3M™ ABE1 filtri za pline in hlape 6057
3M™ Filtri za pline in hlape ABE1 6057 ščitijo pred organskimi hlapi z vreliščem nad 65°C, neorganskimi in kislimi plini. Primerni za uporabo z 3M™ maskami, ki imajo sistem za priključitev filtra na bajonet: 3M™ celoobrazne maske serije 6000, 3M™ polovične maske serije 7500, 3M™ polovične maske serije 6500 QL in 3M™ polovične maske serije 6000.
Za zaščito za dihanje ABE1 proti organskim hlapam (z vreliščem nad 65 °C), neorganskim hlapam in kislim plinom uporabite 3M™ filtre za pline in hlape 6057. Naši filtri imajo trak v barvah rjave, sive in rumene, ki je kodiran glede na sistem razvrščanja EN14387, da prikaže vrsto zaščite, ki jo zagotavljajo.
Ti lahki filtri združujejo zaščito z udobjem in so združljivi z našim naborom ponovno uporabnih polovičnih in celoobraznih mask za varno delo v nevarnih okoljih. Ponujajo nizko dihalno upornost , zasnovani so tako, da vam ne zastirajo vidnega polja.
Lahko jih hitro in enostavno pritrdite na svoje mesto, in jih lahko uporabljate z vsakim 3M™ masko za obraz, ki ima priključek v obliki bajoneta. Prav tako jih je mogoče uporabiti v kombinaciji s 3M™ delčnimi filtri 5925/5935 in 3M™ držalom za filter 501.

How to Choose the Right 3M Filter for Working with Oxalic Acid Vapors
When working with oxalic acid vapors, selecting the correct protective equipment is essential. 3M offers a variety of filters that protect against hazardous vapors. For oxalic acid vapors, it is especially important to choose the correct filter class (ABE).
What Does the ABE Classification Mean?
The ABE filter class protects against:
- Organic vapors (A)
- Inorganic gases (B)
- Acidic gases (E)
These features make ABE filters ideal for protection against oxalic acid vapors. Look for the typical color coding in brown, gray, and yellow, which indicates suitability for the ABE class.
Why Choose 3M Filters?
3M is a trusted brand known for high-quality personal protective equipment (PPE). To ensure maximum safety, always purchase official 3M filters and masks. Counterfeit products may not provide adequate protection and could put your health at risk.
Recommended Masks for ABE Filters
- 3M Half Masks, which are lightweight and secure for most applications.
- 3M Full Masks, offering additional eye protection and a complete seal for particularly hazardous environments.
Both masks are compatible with 3M ABE filters and provide maximum comfort and safety.
Important Tips for Selection
- Check the color coding: Ensure your filter is marked brown, gray, and yellow to guarantee ABE protection.
- Ensure compatibility: The filter must securely fit your 3M mask model.
- Replace filters regularly: Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations to ensure consistent and reliable protection.
With official 3M ABE filters and masks, you can reliably protect yourself against oxalic acid vapors while meeting current safety standards. Always choose genuine 3M products to safeguard your health and achieve the best performance.
Stay safe and work responsibly!